Up for your consideration is a complete lesson PowerPoint on Palm Sunday. Suitable for KS2 RE lessons in years 3 / 4. Child friendly graphics, link to video, range of activities including drama, discussions and independent work where children are invited to contemplate the feelings of Jesus as he was riding through the crowds. Teacher’s notes included in the PowerPoint. All the text is editable.
Please check my other lessons from the EASTER UNIT series.
Up for your consideration is a complete lesson PowerPoint on the Last Supper. Suitable for KS2 RE lessons in years 3 / 4. Child friendly graphics; link to videos; audio built in the PPT; range of activities including a game, discussions and independent work where children are invited to study the modern and traditional paintings of the Last Supper . Teacher’s notes included in the PowerPoint. All the text is editable.
Please check my other lessons from the EASTER UNIT series.
Up for your consideration is a complete lesson PowerPoint on Lent. Suitable for KS2 RE lessons in years 3 / 4. Child friendly graphics, link to video, range of activities including drama, discussions, a game and independent work where children are invited to contemplate the ways in which temptations can be resisted. Teacher’s notes included in the PowerPoint. All the text is editable.
A PowerPoint lesson introducing children to Advent and exploring the symbolism behind it. The slides will take your pupils on an exciting journey exploring the origins of Advent and what makes it important to Christians.
The PowerPoint included information on the Advent season; advent calendars; christingles; advent wreaths and candles;
There are 3 activities included in the lesson:
1. Sequencing the story of Jesus' birth.
2. Exploring the events the local churches hold during Advent.
3. Watching a video about Papa Panov.
There is an independent worksheet that asks the children to circle the symbols of Advent and write a paragraph describing their feelings (anticipation) during the season.
Suitable for KS2
Halloween History Activity
Engage your students with this fun Halloween History Walk the Room activity.
Students walk around the room reading the information at each station, they then answer the questions on their sheet and collect letters to unscramble a mystery Halloween word for a “treat”.
Included: station cards X 8, recording sheets, instructions.
The Halloween History Activity is aimed at upper KS2 and KS3 and can be used as an RE or History lesson.
This is a .pdf file and can not be edited. If you spot a mistake or have a suggestion, please do not hesitate to email us (our email address is on the last page of the resource).
Thank you for your interest
Humanism is a relatively new addition to the KS2 RE Curriculum. I have made this PowerPoint lesson as a basic introduction to Humanism and its main beliefs with a range of activities and independent work.
The PowerPoint consists of 14 slides (including the cover page and the credits page).
All the text is editable.
Thank you for your interest in my products!
Hoppy Times
Up for your consideration is a complete lesson PowerPoint on Jesus’ Resurrection. Suitable for KS2 RE lessons in years 3 / 4. Child friendly graphics; link to videos; range of activities including discussions and independent work where children are invited to write what they think happens after we die, what they heard and what Christians believe in . Teacher’s notes included in the PowerPoint. All the text is editable.
Please check my other lessons from the EASTER UNIT series.
Up for your consideration is the board game on the life of Moses (Religious Education)
The game needs to be printed on A3 (as too small for A4); it can be then laminated and enjoyed by the pupils year after year. All you need is dice and counters. Great for group work.
Suitable for KS1 and KS2
The Nativity bundle is suitable for KS1 / lower KS2
It consists of
* 12 display cards/ posters (2 per page) of the main nativity characters
* Nativity word search
* Nativity story sequencing activity (print and cut the pieces)
* 3 Colouring pages
* 10 Bingo cards with 3 calling cards
Thank you for your interest!
Complete lesson PowerPoint on Jesus’ crucifixion. Suitable for KS2 RE lessons in years 3 / 4. Child friendly graphics, link to video, range of activities including drama, discussions and independent work where children are invited to write a newspaper article on the events of crucifixion (can be linked to chronological report writing in Literacy). Teacher’s notes included in the PowerPoint. All the text is editable.
Up for your consideration is a complete lesson PowerPoint on Pentecost. Suitable for KS2 RE lessons in years 3 / 4. Child friendly graphics; link to videos; range of activities including discussions and independent work where children are invited to write what their own cinquain poem and design a Pentecost symbol . Teacher’s notes included in the PowerPoint. All the text is editable.
Please check my other lessons from the EASTER UNIT series.
Included in this bundle are all of the 6 lessons from my RE Easter Unit for KS2 (Years 3/4).
*Year 3/ 4 EASTER UNIT RE Jesus Crucifixion Lesson PowerPoint with worksheets
*Year 3/ 4 EASTER UNIT RE Jesus Last Supper Lesson PowerPoint with worksheets
*Year 3/ 4 EASTER UNIT RE Jesus Lent Lesson PowerPoint with worksheets
*Year 3/ 4 EASTER UNIT RE Jesus Palm Sunday Lesson PowerPoint with worksheets
*Year 3/ 4 EASTER UNIT RE Jesus Pentecost Lesson PowerPoint with worksheets
*Year 3/ 4 EASTER UNIT RE Jesus Resurrection Lesson PowerPoint with worksheets
Each resource includes a PowerPoint presentation with notes for the teacher and worksheets/ activities.
RE Easter Story bundle, comprising 5 resources/ activities. For KS1/ lower KS2
14 Poster cards (slightly less than A5 size) - Jesus, angel, disciple, Mary, cross, etc.
Easter word search
8 Colouring pages
Bingo cards
Easter story board game
Great for the last few weeks before the Easter half term.
Feedback is greatly appreciated. All my resources have been proof read but if you do spot a mistake, please let me know and I will correct it promptly.
Easter is just around the corner. Children will love decorating their own Easter Cards to give out to family and friends!
This resource consists of 8 Easter Cards on the pale yellow background and with black and white centres for your students to colour in or decorate. The cards are A4 size and in .pdf format (not editable). We have also included an acrostic poem template to go inside the card.
Suitable for KS1/KS2
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EASTER Board Game for RE KS1 / KS2 (Jesus, God, resurrection)
Up for your consideration is the board game I created for our Year 3 students who were studying the Easter story in RE. The game can be printed on A3 (as too small for A4), laminated and enjoyed by the pupils year after year. All you need is dice and counters. Great for group work.
Suitable for KS1 and KS2
Thank you for your interest
Hoppy Times